Tuesday 11 January 2011

What motivates a young person to become a journalist?

What motivates a young person to become a journalist?

The Mind of a Journalist by Jim Willis

Journalism does not rate that high in popularity among the general public, and many parents worry that their children will not be able to make much of a living if they become journalists. Additionally, ....The profession is now more competitive than ever. So we return to the Question: What motivates a young person to become a journalist?

The Love of Reading and Writing
An Intense Curiosity
A Desire to Contribute
The Independence Factor
Being on the Inside
The Challenges of Going Deeper

All these above points have been discussed in detail, Really very interesting.

The Mind of a Journalist by Jim Willis
SAGE Publications
ISBN 978-1-4129-5457-0


Anonymous said...

who is the unmai virumbi

Mohamed Ismail MZ said...

@ Anonymous...
